355 lines
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355 lines
11 KiB
###Adding Apache Optimizations from command line###
#Test to see if CentOS
if [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then
#Test to see if cPanel
if [ -e /var/cpanel/conf/apache ]; then
#View current opts
echo "Current Apache Optimizations:"
egrep '(^StartServers|^MinSpare|^MaxSpare|^MaxCli|^ServerLim|^MaxReqests|^KeepAlive|^Timeout)' /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf || echo "No Optimizations Currently Set"
#Ask user to enter desired optimizations
echo "Let's update the Apache Optimizations"
echo -n StartServers:
read var_ss
echo $var_ss
echo -n MinSpareServers:
read var_minss
echo $var_minss
echo -n MaxSpareServers:
read var_maxss
echo $var_maxss
echo -n MaxClients:
read var_mc
echo $var_mc
echo -n ServerLimit:
read var_sl
echo $var_sl
echo -n MaxRequestsPerChild:
read var_mrpc
echo $var_mrpc
echo -n KeepAlive On/Off:
read var_ka
echo $var_ka
echo -n KeepAliveTimeout:
read var_kat
echo $var_kat
echo -n MaxKeepAliveRequests:
read var_mkar
echo $var_mkar
echo -n Timeout:
read var_t
echo $var_t
#Test to see if /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local file exists
if [ -e /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local ]; then
#set httploc to be /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local
#If it does, copy existing file to .lwbak to be safe
cp /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local{,.bak}
#sed in the entered variables
sed -i 's/\"timeout\"\: [0-9].*/\"timeout\"\: '$var_t'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"startservers\"\: [0-9].*/\"startservers\"\: '$var_ss'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"maxclients\"\: [0-9].*/\"maxclients\"\: '$var_mc'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"minspareservers\"\: [0-9].*/\"minspareservers\"\: '$var_minss'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"maxspareservers\"\: [0-9].*/\"maxspareservers\"\: '$var_maxss'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"serverlimit\"\: [0-9].*/\"serverlimit\"\: '$var_sl'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"maxrequestsperchild\"\: [0-9].*/\"maxrequestsperchild\"\: '$var_mrpc'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"keepalive\"\:\ .[A-Za-z].*/\"keepalive\"\:\ '\'$var_ka\''/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"keepalivetimeout\"\: [0-9].*/\"keepalivetimeout\"\: '$var_kat'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"maxkeepaliverequests\"\: [0-9].*/\"maxkeepaliverequests\"\: '$var_mkar'/' $httploc
#rebuild httpd.conf and restart apache
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
#If /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local does not exist, create it
touch /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local
#set httploc to be /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local
#Add default 1gb opts to /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local
cat > /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local <<EOF
"keepalive": 'On'
"keepalivetimeout": 2
"maxclients": 40
"maxkeepaliverequests": 100
"maxrequestsperchild": 400
"maxspareservers": 10
"minspareservers": 5
"serverlimit": 40
"startservers": 10
"timeout": 50
#Now, sed in the variables entered earlier by the user
sed -i 's/\"timeout\"\: [0-9].*/\"timeout\"\: '$var_t'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"startservers\"\: [0-9].*/\"startservers\"\: '$var_ss'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"maxclients\"\: [0-9].*/\"maxclients\"\: '$var_mc'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"minspareservers\"\: [0-9].*/\"minspareservers\"\: '$var_minss'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"maxspareservers\"\: [0-9].*/\"maxspareservers\"\: '$var_maxss'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"serverlimit\"\: [0-9].*/\"serverlimit\"\: '$var_sl'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"maxrequestsperchild\"\: [0-9].*/\"maxrequestsperchild\"\: '$var_mrpc'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"keepalive\"\:\ .[A-Za-z].*/\"keepalive\"\:\ '\'$var_ka\''/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"keepalivetimeout\"\: [0-9].*/\"keepalivetimeout\"\: '$var_kat'/' $httploc
sed -i 's/\"maxkeepaliverequests\"\: [0-9].*/\"maxkeepaliverequests\"\: '$var_mkar'/' $httploc
#Rebuild httpdconf and restart apache
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
#If CentOS and Not cPanel, add opts to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
elif [ -e /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ]; then
#set httploc to equal /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
#View current opts
echo "Current Apache Optimizations:"
echo KeepAlive=`awk '/^[Kk]eep[Aa]live\ / {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MaxKeepAliveRequests=`awk '/^[Mm]ax[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Rr]equests/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo KeepAliveTimeout=`awk '/^[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Tt]imeout/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MinSpareServers=`awk '/^[Mm]in[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MaxSpareServers=`awk '/^[Mm]ax[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo Timeout=`awk '/^[Tt]imeout/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo ServerLimit=`awk '/^[Ss]erver[Ll]imit/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo StartServers=`awk '/^[Ss]tart[Ss]ervers/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MaxClients=`awk '/^[Mm]ax[Cc]lients/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MaxRequestsPerChild=`awk '/^[Mm]ax[Rr]equests[Pp]er[Cc]hild/ {print $2}' $httploc`
#Ask user to enter desired optimizations
echo "WARNING - this will overwrite Optimizations for both MPMs"
echo "Let's update the Apache Optimizations"
echo -n StartServers:
read var_ss
echo $var_ss
echo -n MinSpareServers:
read var_minss
echo $var_minss
echo -n MaxSpareServers:
read var_maxss
echo $var_maxss
echo -n MaxClients:
read var_mc
echo $var_mc
echo -n ServerLimit:
read var_sl
echo $var_sl
echo -n MaxRequestsPerChild:
read var_mrpc
echo $var_mrpc
echo -n KeepAlive On/Off:
read var_ka
echo $var_ka
echo -n KeepAliveTimeout:
read var_kat
echo $var_kat
echo -n MaxKeepAliveRequests:
read var_mkar
echo $var_mkar
echo -n Timeout:
read var_t
echo $var_t
#Copy httpd.conf to .$time.bak
cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf{,.bak}
#Now, sed in the opts entered earlier
sed -i 's/^[Tt]imeout[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/Timeout\ '$var_t'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Ss]tart[Ss]ervers[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/StartServers\ '$var_ss'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Mm]ax[Cc]lients[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/MaxClients\ '$var_mc'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Mm]in[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/MinSpareServers\ '$var_minss'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Mm]ax[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/MaxSpareServers\ '$var_maxss'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Ss]erver[Ll]imit[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/ServerLimit\ '$var_sl'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Mm]ax[Rr]equests[Pp]er[Cc]hild[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/MaxRequestsPerChild\ '$var_mrpc'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Kk]eep[Aa]live[[:space:]]\+[A-Za-z].*/KeepAlive\ '$var_ka'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Tt]imeout[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/KeepAliveTimeout\ '$var_kat'/g' $httploc
sed -i 's/^[Mm]ax[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Rr]equests[[:space:]]\+[0-9].*/MaxKeepAliveRequests\ '$var_mkar'/g' $httploc
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
elif [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then
#set httploc variable
#Backup httpconf
cp $httploc{,.bak}
#Show Current Opts
echo "Current Apache Optimizations:"
echo KeepAlive=`awk '/[Kk]eep[Aa]live\ / {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MaxKeepAliveRequests=`awk '/[Mm]ax[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Rr]equests/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo KeepAliveTimeout=`awk '/[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Tt]imeout/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MinSpareServers=`awk '/[Mm]in[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MaxSpareServers=`awk '/[Mm]ax[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo Timeout=`awk '/[Tt]imeout/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo ServerLimit=`awk '/[Ss]erver[Ll]imit/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo StartServers=`awk '/[Ss]tart[Ss]ervers/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MaxClients=`awk '/[Mm]ax[Cc]lients/ {print $2}' $httploc`
echo MaxRequestsPerChild=`awk '/[Mm]ax[Rr]equests[Pp]er[Cc]hild/ {print $2}' $httploc`
#Ask user to enter desired optimizations
echo "WARNING - this will overwrite Optimizations for both MPMs"
echo "Let's update the Apache Optimizations"
echo -n StartServers:
read var_ss
echo $var_ss
echo -n MinSpareServers:
read var_minss
echo $var_minss
echo -n MaxSpareServers:
read var_maxss
echo $var_maxss
echo -n MaxClients:
read var_mc
echo $var_mc
echo -n ServerLimit:
read var_sl
echo $var_sl
echo -n MaxRequestsPerChild:
read var_mrpc
echo $var_mrpc
echo -n KeepAlive On/Off:
read var_ka
echo $var_ka
echo -n KeepAliveTimeout:
read var_kat
echo $var_kat
echo -n MaxKeepAliveRequests:
read var_mkar
echo $var_mkar
echo -n Timeout:
read var_t
echo $var_t
#If the conf has content
if [[ -s /etc/apache2/httpd.conf ]]; then
#Substitute in Opts entered earlier.
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Tt]imeout\s+[0-9].*/Timeout\ '$var_t'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Ss]tart[Ss]ervers\s+[0-9].*/StartServers\ '$var_ss'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Mm]ax[Cc]lients\s+[0-9].*/MaxClients\ '$var_mc'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Mm]in[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers\s+[0-9].*/MinSpareServers\ '$var_minss'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Mm]ax[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers\s+[0-9].*/MaxSpareServers\ '$var_maxss'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Ss]erver[Ll]imit\s+[0-9].*/ServerLimit\ '$var_sl'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Mm]ax[Rr]equests[Pp]er[Cc]hild\s+[0-9].*/MaxRequestsPerChild\ '$var_mrpc'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Kk]eep[Aa]live\s+[A-Za-z].*/KeepAlive\ '$var_ka'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((s\+)?)[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Tt]imeout\s+[0-9].*/KeepAliveTimeout\ '$var_kat'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((s\+)?)[Mm]ax[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Rr]equests\s+[0-9].*/MaxKeepAliveRequests\ '$var_mkar'/g' $httploc
#Else, if file empty, put in 1gb default opts, then sed in changes
cat > $httploc <<EOF
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 2
<IfModule prefork.c>
StartServers 5
ServerLimit 50
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
MaxClients 50
MaxRequestsPerChild 400
<IfModule worker.c>
ServerLimit 2
StartServers 1
MinSpareThreads 25
MaxSpareThreads 50
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxClients 50
MaxRequestsPerChild 400
Timeout 50
#Substitute in Opts entered earlier.
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Tt]imeout\s+[0-9].*/Timeout\ '$var_t'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Ss]tart[Ss]ervers\s+[0-9].*/StartServers\ '$var_ss'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Mm]ax[Cc]lients\s+[0-9].*/MaxClients\ '$var_mc'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Mm]in[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers\s+[0-9].*/MinSpareServers\ '$var_minss'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Mm]ax[Ss]pare[Ss]ervers\s+[0-9].*/MaxSpareServers\ '$var_maxss'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Ss]erver[Ll]imit\s+[0-9].*/ServerLimit\ '$var_sl'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Mm]ax[Rr]equests[Pp]er[Cc]hild\s+[0-9].*/MaxRequestsPerChild\ '$var_mrpc'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((\s+)?)[Kk]eep[Aa]live\s+[A-Za-z].*/KeepAlive\ '$var_ka'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((s\+)?)[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Tt]imeout\s+[0-9].*/KeepAliveTimeout\ '$var_kat'/g' $httploc
perl -i -p -e 's/^((s\+)?)[Mm]ax[Kk]eep[Aa]live[Rr]equests\s+[0-9].*/MaxKeepAliveRequests\ '$var_mkar'/g' $httploc
#restart apache2
service apache2 restart
#If not CentOS or Debian based, fail
echo "At this time, this script only works on RedHat and Debian based servers"