!BAT # IMPORTANT: This file MUST begin with !BAT # PLEASE READ www.easy2boot.com for full details # --- THIS FILE SHOULD BE COPIED to \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg and then edited to use # your own settings, change the language, Main heading, Footer, startup behaviour, etc. # # HELP USING THIS .CFG FILE # # this single # symbol comments out a line - these lines contain help or information # ### three # symbols means you can uncomment and use these lines - they contain grub4dos commands which can be used to change the E2B settings # # e.g. # # Auto menu - this line should not be changed - do not delete the # symbol # ###set DEFM_MNU=0 - this line can be uncommented by deleting the ### symbols and then changed by the user if required # If you wish, you can delete any whole line beginning with # or ### to make the file more legible # SUB-MENU HEADINGS are in the STRINGS.TXT files (different languages) # Menu entries and E2B phrases are also in the STRINGS.TXT file # DO NOT EDIT THE \_ISO\e2b\grub\ENG\STRINGS.TXT file - copy it to \_ISO\e2b\grub\FRED\STRINGS.TXT and use 'set LANG=FRED' in this file to use it # WARNING: If you have a \_ISO\STRINGS.txt file, this will over-ride any language setting # ----- GRAPHICS MODE AND WALLPAPER ----- # set graphics mode - use 640, or 800 or 1024 - or specify full mode - e.g. 800 600 24 # 640 and 800 is supported by the default background bitmap - you can define exact size - e.g. GMODE=800 600 or GMODE=800 -1 24:32 (800 by *anything* with 24 or 32-bit colour) set GMODE=800 # set the WALLPAPER BACKGROUND # The size of your background bmp must match the GMODE setting (e.g. use 1024x768 bitmap and set GMODE=1024) # Change the path and filename below if you wish - .bmp and .bmp.gz supported (.bmp can be compressed using LZMA_Encode). grub4dos 0.4.6a also supports .jpg files. set MYWBMP=/_ISO/mybackground.bmp # If GMODE is set to a number (e.g. 800 or 1024 for graphics mode), then we can fill the screen with a single colour instead of using a bitmap # This is quicker than loading a bitmap file - must begin with 0x (zero x) and be in RGB format 0xrrggbb ###set MYWBMP=0xff0033 # --------- MAIN MENU HEADING ----- # start the heading with \x20 if you need leading spaces. # special variables can be used. %B64% is CPU type + Memory size - e.g. [486MB 64-bit]; %VER% is E2B version - e.g. 1.65; use %@date% or %day%-%month%-%year% for date set HEADING=\x20 Rescue USB - MAIN MENU (%VER%) %B64% # Heading position is set by HEADPOS + HPAD - all menu headings affected (must be 4 decimal numbers) # set start position of HEADING using HEADPOS=YYXX - default position = HEADPOS=0000 = top-left, 0200 = 3rd line down - should always end in 00 if you use CENTREHD=1 set HEADPOS=0000 # HPAD sets space padding (alignment) before all menu headings - NORMALLY, NO NEED TO CHANGE THIS! # this is usually automatically calculated by E2B from the rstart value (\x20 is same as one space character) ###set HPAD=\x20 \x20 # ----- CENTRE ALL MENU HEADINGS ----- # CENTREHD=xx causes the menu headings to be centred inside xx characters - e.g. if CENTREHD=60 then middle will be at (HPAD)+30 # If CENTREHD=1 then the menuw value (see below) is used to calculate the centre position - Use CENTREHD=1 for normal centred headings # To centre all headings on an 800 pixel screen width (not menu width) use CENTREHD=98, HEADPOS=0100, HPAD=\x20\x20 ### set CENTREHD=1 # ----- HEADING COLOUR ------- # HCOLOUR sets the colour of the HEADING text # HCOLOUR=ABCD specifies the text colour [BLINK|BRIGHT_F|BACKGROUND|FOREGROUND] # A=0-1 1=BLINK text (does not work under VM or in graphics mode) - i.e. only works if GFX=none is used. # B=0-1 1=BRIGHT_F sets bright value for foreground text # C=0-7 =BACKGROUND colour - transparent if graphics mode so has no effect! # D=0-7 =FOREGROUND menu text colour # Colours parameters are: 0=black/grey 1=blue, 2=green, 3=cyan, 4=red, 5=pink, 6=yellow/brown, 7=grey/white. # e.g. 0133 is non-blinking bright cyan text (on a dark cyan background if not in graphics mode) - if a wallpaper is used (graphics mode) it becomes _1_3 = bright-cyan, because background value is ignored. set HCOLOUR=0103 # --- FOOTER HELP TEXT TO DISPLAY AT BOTTOM OF SCREEN --- # HBTM = Bottom HELPTEXT POSITION YYXX - for 640x480 use HBTM=2802 - for 800x600 use HBTM=3502 (Note: HPAD is NOT used to pad out the HELPTEXT). For GFX=none use HBTM=2400 or set >24 for off-screen. set HBTM=3502 # Colour of HELPTEXT (see HCOLOUR above for meaning) set FCOLOUR=0103 # use \x20 for no text at the bottom of the menus - e.g. set HELPTEXT=\x20 (%^LANG% will display the current language); use %@date% or %day%-%month%-%year% for date set HELPTEXT=HDD0 [F7] Back [F8] Reboot [F9] Power Off [F10] (%^LANG%) # -------- MENU COLOURS ------- # Colour pairs are Text/Background - i.e cyan/blue = cyan text on blue background # Use black if a transparent background is required for menu highlight background - e.g. highlight=red/black # Valid colours are: black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, light-gray, dark-gray, light-blue, light-green, light-cyan, light-red, light-magenta, yellow and white. # normal = normal menu text # highlight = highlighted menu text when a menu entry is selected # helptext = the colour of the title help text shown just below the menu box # standard = the console background and text colours (e.g. when listing files) # border = the colour of the border of the menu box # For GFX Boot menu, only color standard=xxxx/yyyy is valid (suggest use black background - e.g. color standard=cyan/black) color normal=light-cyan/black highlight=red/black helptext=yellow/black standard=light-cyan/black border=light-gray/black # -------- 24-BIT MENU COLOURS ------- # You can instead set a 24-bit full colour value using 0xRRGGBB, the value must be larger than 0xFF to work correctly however # the background colour will be set to black (transparent in graphics mode menus) if number is >0xFF # See http://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.htm # Red=0xFF0000 Green=0x00FF00 Blue=0x0100FF (must be larger than FF so use 01 for red!), Yellow=0xFFFF00, White=0xffffff, Brown=0x994c00 # Examples: ### color normal=0x777700 ### color highlight=yellow/light-gray ;; # use for yellow text on light-grey background - limited colours for highlight colour # OR... ### color highlight=0xFFFF00 ;; # yellow + background will be transparent ### color highlight=0x0022222200FFFF00 ;; # yellow + background will be 222222 (v. dark grey/black) ### color helptext=0xFFFFFF ### color standard=0x994c00 ### color border=0xFF0000 # If you define a highlight background colour (not transparent), make the highlight bar only as long as the text # set full length highlight bar for selected menu item (--highlight-short or --highlight-full) ### setmenu --highlight-full > nul ### setmenu --highlight-short > nul # ----- MENU POSITION --- # n = unchanged (if wdspace or lnspace is not n then screen is cleared) - default for wdspace and lnspace is 0 or n # if using GFX=none for text mode and CENTREHD=1, set menuw=78 and rstart=2 to get centred menu headings # Note: The grub4dos menu system allows 4 lines of menu help text + 1 line for it's own messages (e.g. default timeout) # Therefore you need to leave space for 5 free lines of text under the menu (e.g. if tophelp=26, then lines 26,27,28,29 & 30 are used for help text) # 800x600 = 100 characters (0-99) by 37 lines (0-36), 1024x768 = 128 characters (0-127) by 48 lines (0-47) # You can increase line separation using (for example) lnspace=8. Note thst you will need to reduce topstart and noitems too set wdspace=n set lnspace=n set bdwidth=1 set rstart=3 set menuw=62 set topstart=2 set noitems=24 # use tophelp = topstart + noitems for menu help text just under menu box - for 640x480 noitems=18 tophelp=20 - for 800x600 noitems=24 tophelp=26 #set /a tophelp=%topstart% + %noitems% > nul set tophelp=26 # ---- SHOW FILE EXTENSIONS IN MENU ---- # Don't show file extensions in menu set EXTOFF=1 # Show file extensions in menu ### set EXTOFF= # --- NO USER PROMPT FOR .imgPTN FILES ----- # .imgPTN AUTO-RUN - if any .imgPTNxxx family is selected, switch partitions and display CSM menu with no user prompt ### set AUTOCSM=1 # --- BEEP WHEN MAIN MENU LOADS ---- # Beep when Main Menu loads, values 1, 2 or 3 only (only works if internal speaker fitted to system) ### set beep=3 # Suppress the QRUN.g4b 'best file extension suggestions' and advice messages + no pause in isoboot set NOSUG=1 # NOWINXP removes the 'Boot from HDD0', 'List PCI devices' and the 32/64bit menu separator from the Windows Menu # useful to keep the menu tidy if you do not have WinXP ISOs ### set NOWINXP=1 # --------------------------------------- ADVANCED MENU SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # DO NOT DELETE THE LINE ABOVE! - Settings below this next line will be preserved when using the E2B_Editor # Tip: To permanently remove the grub4dos text at top of screen and grub4dos startup messages, run \_ISO\docs\patchme from the grub4dos console # See http://www.easy2boot.com/configuring-e2b/mye2b-cfg/ - patching grub4dos # If you set the TSUG variable (suggested timeout in seconds) in your \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file, you can change the timeout behaviour of QRUN.g4b Auto-Suggest, e.g. # No timeout - auto-suggest will always wait for the user to press a key ###set TSUG=0 # Change auto-suggest timeout (1-989) - e.g. 10 = wait 10 seconds ###set TSUG=10 # use default timeout of 3 seconds, but if user does not press a key, always use the suggested file extension (if not .isoask), valid range = 990 to 999 ###set TSUG=993 # Always wait for user - if user presses ENTER only, the suggested file extension will be used instead of the current file extension ###set TSUG=990 # --- GRUB4DOS 0.4.6 + USB DRIVERS --- # The file \grldr is the grub4dos code that is loaded on booting. If you want to use v0.4.5c on boot-up then overwrite it using the file \_ISO\e2b\grub\grldr_045 # Grub4Dos 0.4.6 has built in USB drivers and so it can bypass the BIOS USB code - useful if you have buggy BIOSes # Tip: Hold down the SHIFT key just before E2B starts to boot and E2B will load the grub4dos fast USB rd/wr driver automatically # To ALWAYS use grub4dos 0.4.6 and initialise the USB drivers on start-up use GRUB_USB=Y (not recommended - can cause problems) ### set GRUB_USB=Y # To ALWAYS switch to version 0.4.5 and use \_ISO\e2b\grub\grldr_045 (not recommended as some functions may not work) ###set GRUB_USB=045 # To prevent E2B refusing to boot if partition 4 (hd0,3) is present, uncomment the two ### lines below - # WARNING: THIS WILL ERASE PTN #4 (hd0,3) ON THE E2B DRIVE EACH TIMe YOU BOOT! ###if exist (hd0,0)/_ISO/MyE2B.cfg partnew (hd0,3) 0 0 0 ###if exist (hd0,1)/_ISO/MyE2B.cfg partnew (hd0,3) 0 0 0 # To always erase ptn 3 on boot, uncomment the two ### lines below - check ptn 3 is not used or you may delete a data partition on your E2B drive! # WARNING: This will delete PTN #3 (hd0,2) on the E2B DRIVE ###if exist (hd0,0)/_ISO/MyE2B.cfg partnew (hd0,2) 0 0 0 ###if exist (hd0,1)/_ISO/MyE2B.cfg partnew (hd0,2) 0 0 0 # ----- PROGRESS MESSAGE CONTROL ---- # Display background image and cursor immediately so startup messages are printed over the background (but screen won't scroll nicely if it gets full of text!) # call Fn.70 3 # Set cursor off the screen so no text or cursor is seen for a while (cursor set to column 0 row 128!) # call Fn.5 0 128 # Turn off cursor and splashimage until Main Menu is shown - useful if you have disabled startup messages and don't want the cursor character at the top of the screen! # call Fn.70 0 ;; clear # If you want to get rid of any earlier screen text use clear # clear # Examples (use ONE of the following lines by removing the ### characters) # Use this line for a blank screen startup with no progress messages # Tip: use patchme to prevent early grub4dos messages (see \_ISO\docs\PatchMe_ReadMe.txt) ###call Fn.70 0 ;; clear ;; call Fn.5 0 128 ;; set redirp=> nul ;; set redir=> nul # # Use this line to display the background image as early as possible with a few progress messages ###call Fn.70 3 ;; set redir=> nul # # Use this line to display the background image as early as possible with no startup messages except an initial quick 'Please wait...' message ###call Fn.70 3 ;; set redir=> nul ;; set redirp=> nul ;; debug -1 ;; pause --wait=1 Please wait... ;; debug 0 # Silent MBR boot of stage 1.5 grub4dos (works for both 0.4.5c and 0.4.6) - one reboot is required for it to permanently take affect. ### if exist /_ISO/docs/PatchMyMBR call /_ISO/docs/PatchMyMBR > nul # Silent startup of grub4dos - no diagnostic/info messages (only works for 0.4.6a by changing debug msg=2 to debug msg=0) - permanently changes /grldr files (please use \_ISO\docs\patchme for patch if not using 0.4.6) ### cat --locate=\x02 --replace=\x00 --skip=0x2073 --length=1 /grldr > nul ### if exist /%grub%/grldr_046 cat --locate=\x02 --replace=\x00 --skip=0x2073 --length=1 /%grub%/grldr_046 > nul # ---- E2B STARTUP AND OTHER MESSAGES ---- # SUPPRESS STARTUP FILE ENUMERATION INFORMATIONAL MESSAGES from AUTOMN.g4b, etc. ###set redir=> nul # SUPPRESS OTHER (important) E2B MENU.LST PROGRESS MESSAGES (NOT recommended!) ###set redirp=> nul # Note: redir and redirp may affect the text displayed when a .imgPTN file is selected. Read more at http://www.easy2boot.com/configuring-e2b/mye2b-cfg/ # Display ASCII Easy2Boot text for 1 second (http://www.askapache.com/online-tools/figlet-ascii/ or http://www.ascii-art-generator.org/ - use 99 as width) ###graphicsmode -1 800 > nul ;; cat /%grub%/ASCII_E2B.txt && pause --wait=1 > nul # ---- MENU NUMBERING ---- # E.g. The user can type '23' to select item 23 in the menu and so it is useful to have the menu item numbers displayed on the menu. # Auto-numbering is enabled by default. AUTONUM=CCMM where CC is the marker/arrow character (byte) and MM is bit0 = numbering and bit1 = space after number, # Use AUTONUM=0x0000 to turn auto-numbering off, 0x2001 sets numbering on with a space after number (default), 0x2d01 autonumber with hyphen after number, 0x1a01 arrow, 0x3a01 colon, 0x0701 dot # e.g. 0x2d00=►menutext, 0x2d01=►nn-menutext, 0x2d02=► menutext (has three spaces), 0x2d03=same as 0x2d01 (where nn=two-characters for menu numbering 0-9/10-99) ###set AUTONUM=0x0000 # The default highlighted menu marker is a solid arrow symbol ► - it can be removed or changed (0x16 for →, 0x07 for a dot or 0 for no symbol) grub4dos 2014-08 or later. ### write 0x8308 0 > nul # ----------- DISABLE AUTOMENU feature ----------------- # E2B will allow you to press the first letter of a menu item to jump to it - grub4dos keys p, e, b and c keys will only work if SHIFT is held down # AUTOMENU = OFF will disable the AUTOMENU jump feature and special grub4dos p, e, b, c keys must be lower case (don't hold down SHIFT key) ###set AUTOMENU=OFF # ---- GFX menu support ---- # If you really want to use a gfxmenu or @DED-LEGO@ or GFX-RIPPER then specify the 'message' file here - http://www.easy2boot.com/configuring-e2b/gfx-menu-support/ # There are many gfxmenu limitations (on error goes into text mode, no timeout or default option, number of ISOs cannot be displayed, etc. etc.) # Tip: grub4dos 0.4.6a supports large fonts - see FONTH below # Place your gfxmenu file in the /_ISO folder. Change the GFX= line to match the name of your file (path is always relative to \_ISO) set GFX= ###set GFX=message ###set GFX=docs/Templates/GFXMenu/message # ---- TEXT MODE (no fancy wallpaper and no unicode font used - quick to load) --- # NO GRAPHICS MODE OR WALLPAPER or GFXMenu # Text-mode menu (no wallpaper) - suppresses graphics mode (must use 'GFX=none') # Try these settings if using text mode - set HBTM=2301 set HCOLOUR=0104 set FCOLOUR=0104 # and use these text colours - color normal=light-cyan/dark-gray highlight=red/cyan helptext=yellow/light-gray standard=light-cyan/black border=red/black ###set GFX=none # ---- KEYBOARD TYPE ----- #set which keyboard you are using (use one only!) - see the KBD_xxxx.g4b files in the grub folder if you want to modify the key mapping #Note: Passwords may not work properly if the keyboard scan code mapping is not correct! Default = US keyboard ###set KBD=KBD_AZERTY.g4b ###set KBD=KBD_FRENCH.g4b ###set KBD=KBD_GERMAN.g4b ###set KBD=KBD_ITALIANO.g4b ###set KBD=KBD_JAPAN_106.g4b ###set KBD=KBD_QWERTY_UK.g4b ###set KBD=KBD_QWERTZ.g4b ###set KBD=KBD_SPANISH.G4B ###set KBD=KBD_QWERTY_UK.g4b # set the keyboard type now # the next line ensures the correct keyboard scan codes will be recognised if using a non-USA keyboard (not required unless asking for password in this cfg file) ###if not "%KBD%"=="" call /%grub%/%KBD% %redirp% # ---- LANGUAGE SUPPORT ---- # To change language from ENGlish, look for supported language folders in the \_ISO\e2b\grub\xxx folders ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=ARABIC && set RTL=1 ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=DUTCH ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=ENG ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=FRENCH ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=GERMAN ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=GERMAN_ALT ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=ITALIAN ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=POLISH ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=PORTU_BRAZIL ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=ROMANIAN ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=RUSSIAN ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=SIMP_CHINESE ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=SPANISH ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=SWEDISH ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=TRAD_CHINESE ###if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=UKRAINIAN # use RTL for RIGHT-TO-LEFT LANGUAGES ---- # e.g Arabic. Uncomment first line below to right-align menu entries. RTL=1 means use menuw value - or set RTL= - e.g. 'set RTL=58' to adjust position of menu headings ###set RTL=1 # For RTL support, we must use 'set AUTONUM=0' to turn off menu numbers and 'write 0x8308 0 > nul' to turn off menu marker arrow ###set AUTONUM=0 ###write 0x8308 0 > nul # User Language Selection - prompt user before Main Menu is displayed - see \_ISO\e2b\grub folders for all available languages # Uncomment all the following lines (remove ###) to ask user to choose a different language (edit as required) ###if not "%DONEMENU%"=="" goto :skplang ###echo CHOOSE A LANGUAGE ###echo ###echo C = Chinese (Simplified) ###echo TC = Chinese (Traditional) ###echo E = English ###echo G = German ###echo S = Spanish ###echo ###set /p ask=Which language : ###if /i "%ask%"=="C" set LANG=SIMP_CHINESE ###if /i "%ask%"=="TC" set LANG=TRAD_CHINESE ###if /i "%ask%"=="G" set LANG=GERMAN ###if /i "%ask%"=="S" set LANG=SPANISH ###if /i "%ask%"=="E" set LANG=ENG ###:skplang # ---- IF YOU ARE USING A REMOVABLE USB FLASH DRIVE (or are not going to use a 'Helper' USB flash drive) --- # no need to search for WINHELPER.USB so set NOHELPER=1 (or use if E2B hangs at 'Looking for WINHELPER.USB...' ) # speeds up booting to Main Menu slightly ###set NOHELPER=1 # ---- PASSWORD PROTECTION ----- # E2B default menu edit password is easy2boot # The line below will set a password of 'easy2boot' to stop users editing the menus accidentally (encrypted) # You can use an encrypted md5 value or a plain text value (see www.easy2boot.com - Configure E2B - Protection and Security for md5 calculation details) # If you want to edit the menus, press p and then enter the password (or you can use an unencrypted password like this: 'set pwd=fred') # Does not work if using GFX Menu # Set encrypted password of easy2boot ###set pwd=--md5 $1$1$okAQ3AJUdhqf3TVrwKvJP1 # OR set plain text password of fred ###set pwd=fred # Any payload file extensions ending in "pwd", e.g. Ubuntu.isopwd, will ask for a password before they will run # If menupwd is defined, then that will be the required password for the payload file # If menupwd is not set then the pwd (E2B menu edit password) will be used (if set) # e.g. if file = Ubuntu14.1.isopwd or Win7Install.imgPTNpwd and menupwd=fred then you must enter fred before the payload will run # if both menupwd and pwd are not set, then no password will be prompted for # Can use md5 encrypted password or plain text... ### set menupwd=--md5 $1$fzr3$gtBm4hqXA1CohTSpMsuxG1 ### set menupwd=fred # --- MASTER PASSWORD --- # To prompt user for password or PIN code, we must set up graphics, etc. now # GMODE was already set in the lines above - run graphicsmode before splashimage ###graphicsmode -1 %GMODE% > nul # If you want to display a different background bitmap just for the Master password user input (see below), use these 3 lines below ###call Fn.70 3 ###splashimage /_ISO/docs/Templates/Aliums/Aliums.bmp.gz > nul ###clear # for a better method of password input, see www.easy2boot.com/configuring-e2b/protection-and-security/ # the next line changes the font immediately but can cause a delay whilst it loads - ensure in graphics mode ###font ()/%grub%/unifont.hex.gz :mpwd # If you want to set a Master password for Easy2Boot to prevent anyone from using it on first boot # (e.g. 'fred') uncomment and edit the lines below (you can use password --md5 xxxxxxxx format if you wish) ###if exist DONEMENU goto :pok ###clear && echo && echo ENTER E2B MASTER PASSWORD ###debug 0 ###password fred && goto :pok ###echo && set /p:2 ask=WRONG PASSWORD! ###goto :mpwd :pok ###if not exist DONEMENU echo # To reboot if the password is wrong, replace the line goto :mpwd with the grub4dos command reboot # This will cause MYWBMP background to be always loaded before displaying the Main Menu - use only if you enable FASTLOAD *AND* use splashimage for Master password as above ###set DONEMENU= # --- MONTHLY PIN CODE --- # The user must enter the "4 digit PIN code of the month" # Windows PIN CALCULATOR app is available on request # VARIABLES BELOW CAN AFFECT ACTIONS OF TP.g4b # SEED - 4 digits - this is your special SEED number - default is 1985 # set number of allowed attempts - default is very large! # # SPECIAL OPTIONS: TESTPIN and PINRETURN # set TESTPIN as first user guess or else user will be prompted for PIN code - if pin code is wrong, user will be prompted again (unless ATTEMPTS=1) # if PINRETURN is set then call to TP.g4b will always return after n ATTEMPTS or on success. PINRETURN=OK if correct pin number was used. # Typical use: Uncomment only the 6 ### lines, set ATTEMPTS and SEED. E2B Version line can be altered for any special message you like. Leave ##SS# lines alone. ###if not exist /%grub%/TP.g4b halt ###if exist DONEMENU goto :TPfin ###set SEED=1985 ###set ATTEMPTS=3 ##SS#set TESTPIN=8684 ##SS#set PINRETURN=1 ###echo E2B VERSION %VER% ###call /%grub%/TP.g4b ##SS#if not "%PINRETURN%"=="OK" reboot ##SS#if "%PINRETURN%"=="OK" clear :TPfin # --- ENCRYPT FILES --- #Tip: For even better security, use 7Zip to compress this file to GZip format or use lzma.exe (See www.easy2boot.com - Configure E2B - Protection and Security) # \_ISO\docs\E2B Utilities\LZMA has useful batch files to encrypt files # You must keep the file name unchanged (e.g. MyE2B.cfg) and can also set it's file attribute to 'Hidden' and 'System' or set permissions if NTFS E2B drive used. # ---- SET AN EXPIRY DATE - EXAMPLES ----- # Change the 20151230 date below to alter the expiry date and change the message - you can use reboot instead of halt ###if 20160320<=%@date:~0,4%%%@date:~5,2%%%@date:~8,2% pause --wait=3 THIS SOFTWARE HAS EXPIRED! && halt # Use this code to only allow use on weekdays ###call /%grub%/dow.g4b %@date:~0,4% %@date:~5,2% %@date:~8,2% ###if "%dow%"=="0" pause It's Sunday! && halt ###if "%dow%"=="6" pause It's Saturday! && halt ###set dow= # See http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/grubutils#TOC-Another-Batch-file-example---use-checkdate.g4b-to-check-an-Expiry-Date # set 14 day expiry date from 28th March 2016 ###call /_ISO/e2b/grub/checkdate.g4b 2016 03 28 14 SILENT ###if not "%CHECKDAT%"=="OK" echo E2B EXPIRED! && halt ###set CHECKDAT= # --- CLONE PROTECTION (lock to this drive only) --- # This code gets the exact size of the E2B USB drive to prevent copying to another USB drive. # get number of sectors using INT 13h AH=48 into memory at DS:SI+10h - edx=80h is hard disk 0, 81h would be hard disk 1 # Change number 12345678 to match the size returned by your drive. Change halt to reboot if desired. Delete pause line if not required. ###debug 1 ;; echo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > (md)0x300+1 ;; write 0x60000 0x42 > nul ;; write 0x60010 0 > nul ###/%grub%/bios int=0x13 eax=0x4800 edx=0x80 ds=0x6000 esi=0x0 > nul ;; read 0x60010 > nul ;; set /a END=%@retval%-1 > nul ###if not %END%==12345678 pause THIS DRIVE ENDS AT SECTOR %END% ###if not %END%==12345678 halt ###set END= # --- MENU CONFIGURATION ---- # set the Default menu entry that will be highlighted when the WINDOWS INSTALL MENU is displayed ###set DEFM_WIN=1 # If DEFMENU=0 then the '0 Set default menu entry and timeout' menu item in the Main menu will not be listed set DEFMENU=0 # WINCOUNT variable will cause all the \_ISO\Windows ISOs to always be enumerated on a FASTLOAD boot ###set WINCOUNT=1 # If NOF7HD is set then the 'Boot from HDD0 F7' menu entry is suppressed in all menus ###set NOF7HD=1 # If the NOF8B is set then the Windows menu will not display 'F8 Back to Main Menu' ###set NOF8B=1 # if NOF8MAIN is set then no F8 Main menu entry will be available ###set NOF8MAIN=1 # If NOF9R is set then the 'F9 Reboot menu' item will not be listed in any menu (remember to change HELPTEXT too) ###set NOF9R=1 # If NOF10H is set then the 'F10 Power Off/Halt' menu item will not be listed in any menu (remember to change HELPTEXT too) ###set NOF10H=1 # NO FASTLOAD MENU - If you don't want the user to see the Main Menu entry to enable or disable FASTLOAD ###set NOFLDMNU=1 # NOWMENU causes a Windows Install sub-sub menu to return back to the Main menu rather than return to the Windows Install menu ###set NOWMENU=1 # NOWINMAIN cause the Windows Main Menu entry to be suppressed (even if there are \_ISO\WINDOWS\xxx\yyy.ISO files present ###set NOWINMAIN=1 # SET DEFAULT MAINMENU ITEM AND TIMEOUT # Information: Create an \_ISO\menu_defaults.txt file # Set the default entry and timeout in the menu_defaults.txt file (debug 0 prevents menu item number at top right from being displayed) # DO NOT UNCOMMENT THE LINES BELOW! They should not be set in this file! # e.g. use these 3 lines in the menu_defaults.txt file for the first menu item as default and 0 seconds timeout (-1) - remove the # signs # default 0 # timeout -1 # debug 0 # This will fix which initial main menu default entry will be highlighted and the timeout in seconds. # You must also set DEFMENU=0 to suppress the 'Set default menu entry and timeout' menu entry # --- CHARACTER SET FONTS ---- # Font settings - specify alternate unifont hex file which is loaded after the E2B unifont file is loaded - many 16-pixel fonts are in /_ISO/docs/Fonts/ folder # Special non-ANSI characters are not included, so only suitable for English language really ###set FONT=()/_ISO/docs/Fonts/terminus.uni.gz # Use Default BIOS Font (tends to be thick+bold for standard ASCII characters) ###set BIOSFONT=1 # Do not load unifont fonts - if NOUNIFONT=1 then the standard E2B unifont font file is not loaded (to save time) but only ANSII characters will be displayed ### set NOUNIFONT=1 # LARGE FONTS - FONTH specifies the font height (default = 16 = unifont) # If you set FONTH=24 E2B will use a default set of 24-pixel high fonts (grub4dos 0.4.6a only) ###set FONTH=24 # You can also load your own font by using the FONT parameter - if FONTH=24 then the hex font file must must be 24-high format # If 24 pixel high: 1024x768=85 chars x 32 lines, 800x600=66x25 lines # 24 pixel high fonts: yxt.f24=trad Chinese, ltxxx.f24, terminal.f24, developer.f24, X11.f24 - some fonts may not work in some languages ###set FONT=/_ISO/docs/Fonts/developer.f24 # --- MENU ENTRY SPACING --- # grub4dos 0.4.6a allows you to set the spacing between text characters and between lines on the menu, default = 0:0 (Font spacing : Line spacing] # note that altering the line spacing will mean you will need to adjust your menu size/position parameters and text postitions, etc.! ###setmenu --font-spacing=1:2 > nul # ---- DEFINE GLOBAL HOTKEYS (for all menus) ------ # See http://www.easy2boot.com/configuring-e2b/global-hotkeys/ # Set global hotkey CTRL+R for FASTLOAD Refresh - only defined if /FASTLOAD.YES is present ###if exist (bd)/FASTLOAD.YES ()/%grub%/hotkey [Ctrl+R] "clear && echo REFRESH > /FASTLOAD.YES && configfile /%grub%/menu.lst" > nul # Program hotkeys to work in ALL menus - no separate menu entry is required. Some examples shown below. # Add global hotkeys - examples only - use ;; or ;& or && to separate commands. # Use @ to prevent commands displaying on screen when hotkey pressed - e.g. "@(bd)/%grub%/qrun.g4b force.isodefault /_ISO/Linux/Ubuntu.iso ;; boot" > nul ###()/%grub%/hotkey [F9] "reboot" > nul ###()/%grub%/hotkey [F10] "halt" > nul ###()/%grub%/hotkey [Ctrl+F9] "clear && echo \nLoading Windows menu... && /%grub%/configX.g4b /%grub%/MenuWinInstall.lst" > nul ###()/%grub%/hotkey [ctrl+F7] "clear && echo $[0004] \n\nPress a key to reboot\n && pause && reboot" > nul # F11 boots to an ISO ###()/%grub%/hotkey [F11] "(bd)/%grub%/qrun.g4b force.isodefault /_ISO/Linux/Ubuntu.iso ;; boot" > nul # F8 will always reload Main Menu (quick) ###()/%grub%/hotkey [F8] "set MFOLDER=/_ISO/MAINMENU && configfile (md)0xa000+0x50" > nul # or F8 will re-enumerate all files and load Main Menu ###()/%grub%/hotkey [F8] "configfile (bd)/%grub%/menu.lst" > nul # F7 to boot from internal HDD ###()/%grub%/hotkey [F7] "map (hd0) (hd1) && map (hd1) (hd0) && map --hook && chainloader (hd0)+1 && rootnoverify (hd0) && boot" > nul # Make the F1 key show the Help Menu from any menu (uncomment 3 lines below) - you can put your own help file in \_ISO\F1.cfg ###if exist /_ISO/F1.cfg ()/%grub%/hotkey [F1] "configfile /_ISO/F1.cfg" > nul && goto :f1skp ###if exist /%grub%/%LANG%/F1.cfg ()/%grub%/hotkey [F1] "configfile /%grub%/%LANG%/F1.cfg" > nul && goto :f1skp ###if exist /%grub%/ENG/F1.cfg ()/%grub%/hotkey [F1] "configfile /%grub%/ENG/F1.cfg" > nul :f1skp # Don't display the F1 HELP entry in the Main menu ###set NOF1=1 # Clear only one global hotkey setting (can be used in .mnu files or .hdr and .lst files) # e.g. clear F9 global hotkey ###()/%grub%/hotkey [F9] > nul # Clear all global hotkeys and reload the hotkey program (only really useful in other menus - e.g. in $$$CONFIG\CONFIG.mnu files) ###()/%grub%/hotkey -u > nul && ()/%grub%/hotkey -A > nul # ---- HIDE PAYLOAD MENU ENTRIES ----- # To hide a menu entry, create a .txt file of same filename as ISO and use: iftitle [if exist SECRET] here is title\n here is help text # Then define Ctrl+F9 and Ctrl+F10 hot keys (password is E2B) # Read more: http://www.easy2boot.com/configuring-e2b/hide-payloads/ # Ctrl+F9 - Clear menu with wallpaper and prompt user for password in German language, switch to blue wallpaper if success ###()/%grub%/hotkey [Ctrl+F9] "call Fn.70 3 ;; clear && echo -e -n \nPasswort:\x20 && set SECRET= ;; call Fn.5 0 128 ;; password E2B > nul && set SECRET=1 && splashimage /_ISO/docs/Templates/blue/blue.bmp.gz ;; configfile (md)0x3000+0x50" > nul # Ctrl+F10 - Reset pwd and background, reload menu ###()/%grub%/hotkey [Ctrl+F10] "set DONEMENU= ;; configfile /menu.lst" > nul # ---- OTHER SETTINGS ---- # XP ISO UNATTEND.TXT SUPPORT - if PICKAUTO is set then user will be asked to select \_ISO\WINDOWS\XP\*.AUTO files for Unattend.txt\Winnt.sif selection # see http://www.easy2boot.com/add-payload-files/windows-install-isos/unattended-installs/ # .SIF file must have OemPreinstall=No or will get 'missing file' errors ###set PICKAUTO=YES # ---- ZALMAN\IODD HDD ENCLOSURE ----- # If file extension is .ISO, then ask user how to run it (e.g. run as if .ISOPE or .ISOWINVH, etc.) # Use if you have a Zalman Virtual CD USB HDD caddy and you want to keep all .iso files as .iso (tip: use a .txt file with a help entry to remind you which one works best!) ###set ISOASK=1 # --- MENU SORTING --- # Turn off alphabetical sorting of menu entries (speeds up enumeration of menus slightly - NOT recommended!) - note multiple wallpapers won't work if you set this! ###set NOSORT=1 # --- CHECK BIOS FOR 137GB BUG --- # Do not check the BIOS to see if it has the >137GB USB disk access bug (e.g. as found on some Asus EeePCs) Tip: try formatting the drive using RMPrepUSB first! # Useful to suppress warning when your E2B drive is >137GB but E2B is on the first partition which is <137GB so it will work correctly ###set CHECKBIOS= # ----- REDUCE MEMORY USAGE ----- # This disables the loading of batch file modules into memory for faster execution (so MOD=1 may slower - not recommended) # If too many files or variables cause grub4dos to crash then uncomment the next line ###set MOD=1 # Use HLT instruction to reduce CPU cycles whilst waiting for keypress (stops CPU from getting too hot) ### write --bytes=1 0x8205 0x20 > nul # --- DEBUG MODE - # Displays boot timings just before Main Menu is displayed - use for diagnosing/measuring slow boot times (can also press ! key during boot to show times) ###set SHOWTIME=1 # Always pause after menu file enumeration - Note: instead of using ENUMWAIT, just press the SPACEBAR during file enumeration and it will pause before it displays the menu ###set ENUMWAIT=1 # --- PROMPT USER FOR FASTER BOOT ---- # Add 3 lines below to prompt for faster boot option (for BIOSes with poorly-written and slow USB drivers) (will need to adjust menu size) ###set ask= ###if not exist DONEMENU set /p:3 ask=Speed up booting (no wallpaper or unifont not loaded) (Y/N) : ###if not exist DONEMENU if /i "%ask%"=="Y" set NOUNIFONT=1 && set GFX=none # --- STAMPS and ANIMATION --- # see www.easy2boot.com for more details # Specify stamps to ovewrite the wallpaper. Format: set STAMPn=type=x=y (filespec), type: 0=normal, 0x80=transparent background ###set STAMP1=0x80=584=0 /_ISO/docs/Templates/Animate/easy2boot_stamp.bmp ###set STAMP2=0x80=680=160 /_ISO/docs/Templates/Animate/E2B.bmp ###set STAMP3=0x80=620=160 /_ISO/docs/Templates/Animate/LadyMorgana.bmp ###set STAMP4=0x80=580=380 /_ISO/e2b/grub/E2BPlate.bmp # ANIMATE - displays a sequence - first file must end in 01.xxx (can be compressed bitmap using gzip or LZMA) - must use .bmp or .jpg as extension # trans=transparent, infinite=animate on menu or add 1-15 for number of cycles, disable playing menu type=0x0 # 18 delay units = 1 second, x and y in pixels, last = last frame number in sequence 01.xxx-99.xxx or 001-255.xxx ###set trans=0x80 && set infinite=0x10 # display sequence on menu (with transparent background) ###set /A type=%infinite% + %trans% > nul # play sequence 3 times immediately ###set /A type=%trans% + 3 > nul ###set delay=0x3 ###set last=09 ###set x=650 ###set y=40 # use (bd) for boot drive or (hd0,0), so that if root drive changes it continues to load from correct drive. ###set FILE=(fd3)/frame_0001.bmp ###set ANIMATE=%type%=%delay%=%last%=%x%=%y% %FILE% ###set trans= && set infinite= && set delay= && set type= && set last= && set y= && set x= && set FILE= # If using a floppy image, we must specify the location of the image # The floppy disk image is loaded into memory and so the animation is faster and does not constantly access the disk # ANIMFD3 is a floppy disk image file containing the files - it is mapped to fd3 by E2B ###set ANIMFD3=/_ISO/docs/Templates/Animate/E2B_GIF.ima