╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ pChart - a PHP Charting library ║ ║ ║ ║ Version : 2.1.4 ║ ║ Made by : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI ║ ║ Last Update : 19/01/14 ║ ║ ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝ 2.1.4 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Added the AXIS_FORMAT_TRAFFIC format. o Added the RemoveSkippedAxis parameter to the drawScale() function. o Enhanced the title field of the floating labels. o Replaced the date() calles by gmdate() ones. o Added the $BoxAlpha parameter to the drawLabel(s) functions. o Fixed a labelling bug on the pie charts. (Thanks to François LE QUEMENER) o Fixed a security issue with the /examples folder. (Thanks to Nicolas CHATELAIN) 2.1.3 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Updated drawPlotChart() to size the plot based on the serie weight. o Added the drawXThreshold() function. o Added the drawXThresholdArea() function. o Added the AreaName param. to drawXThresholdArea() and drawThresholdArea(). o Various visual enhancements. o Fixed a bug in the drawPlotChart() function. o Added shadow support for the Area charts. o Added the BorderWidth parameter to the drawBubbleChart() function. o Added the Shape parameter to the drawBubbleChart() function. o Added the AXIS_FORMAT_CUSTOM for user callback handling. o Rewritten the drawStackedAreaChart() function. o Added support for labels on stacked charts. o Added the createFunctionSerie() function to the pData class. o Added the drawScatterThreshold() function to the pScatter class. o Added the drawScatterThresholdArea() function to the pScatter class. o Added the setAbsicssaPosition() function to the pData class. o Added the NegateValues() function to the pData class. o Added the NoMargin parameter to the drawThresholdArea & drawThreshold fcts. o Added the drawAreaMirror() function. o Added the EURO_SYMBOL constant. o Added the replaceImageMapValues() function. o Added the replaceImageMapTitle() function. o Thresholds functions can now accept an array of points. o Added the FixedMax parameter to both the Radar and Polar charts. o Added the Precision parameter to the pie and ring charts. o Added the DisplayOrientation parameter to the bar & stacked bar charts. o Fixed a bug while using the drawBestFit function with VOID datasets. o Added the RemoveXAxis option to the drawScale() function. 2.1.2 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Added zone threshold support for filled area charts. o Added zone threshold support for filled spline charts. o Added the setScatterSerieShape() function. o Added the getSerieMedian() function. o Added the drawZoneChart() function. o Added the getStandardDeviation() function. o Added the getCoefficientOfVariation() function. o Added the getGeometricMean() function. o Added the getHarmonicMean() function. o Introduced support for imageMap. o Added the initialiseImageMap() function. o Added the addToImageMap() function. o Added the dumpImageMap() function. o Added value writting supports to the radars & polars charts. o Added the option to add an inner border to the reg. and stacked bar charts. o Added the SERIE_SHAPE_DIAMOND and SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDDIAMOND series shapes. o Fixed a visual bug in the drawAreaChart function. (thks to dmiller) o Added the BrowserExpire param to the stroke() function (thks to marquonis) o Fixed a visual bug in the drawBarChart function when the Interleave is 0. o Corrected a bug in the drawScatterBestFit() function (thks to ares) o Fixed some bugs with the pie chart functions. 2.1.1 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Created the pIndicator class. o Created the pSurface class. o Added the drawLabel() function. o Added the writeScatterLabel() function. o Added the writeBubbleLabel() function. o Added the ForceAlpha parameter to the buble chart. o Added the LabelStacked parameter to the 2D and 3D pie charts. o Added 2D ring chart support to the pPie class extension. o Added 3D ring chart support to the pPie class extension. o Added the autoOutput() method to the pCache class. o Added some NULL value tests. o Added the setSerieShape() function to the pData class. o Added the setAbscissaName() function to the pData class. o Fixed a bug in the getAverage() function. o Changed the VOID constant from 0.12345 to 0.123456789. o Fixed a bug with the number of decimals in the METRIC scale. o Fixed a visual bug with reversed bar chart labelling. o Added the ValuePosition & ValuePadding parameters to the pie charts. o Added the WriteValue parameters to the 2D pie charts. o Added the getSeriePalette() function to the pData class. o pData methods can now accept array of serie parameters. o Fixed a bug in the scatter spline chart VOID values handling. 2.1.0 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── /!\ Renamed the .class files to .class.php. o Create the pScatter class. o Added the ScatterPlotChart() charting method. o Added the ScatterLineChart() charting method. o Added the ScatterSplineChart() charting method. o Added the DrawScatterLegend() function. o Added the getScatterLegendSize() function. o Added the following function to the pData class : - setScatterSerie() - setScatterSerieDescription() - setScatterSeriePicture() - setScatterSerieDrawable() - setScatterSerieTicks() - setScatterSerieWeight() - setScatterSerieColor() o Added a Forces config. array to drawSpline() function to allow parametric forces. (used by the scatter spline algorithm) o Added Floating0Serie & Floating0Value options to the drawBarChart function. o Added the Draw0Line option to the drawBarChart function. o Added support for line and filled step charts. o Fixed a visual artifact in the drawGradient() function. o Fixed a visual artifact in the drawRoundedFilledRectangle() function. o Fixed a visual artifact in the drawRadar() function. o Rewritten the example index page. o Added the Floating parameter to the scaling functions. o Added the drawBestFit() and drawScatterBestFit() math functions. 2.0.13 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Modified the drawScale() function to get the best visual factors. o Added the BorderAlpha parameter to the drawFilledCircle() function. o Shipped more examples. o Fixed a bug in the normalize() function and 0 Values. o Finally implemented the setSeriePicture() output. o Added the bubble class extension. o Added the possibility to have a transparent background to the generated pictures keeping the alpha channels (thanks to georgi.m) o Updated the sandbox to support transparent background. o Added the drawDerivative() function to draw curve slope factor. o Additional Minor fixes. 2.0.12 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Added missing points (VOID) handling for line & spline charts. o Added customisation options to the drawLegend() function. o Various additions and enhancements in the sandbox. o Added the weight series support to the drawSplineChart() function. o Added the SCALE_MODE_MANUAL scaling method. 2.0.11 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Added the AxisBoxRounded, AxisFontName, AxisFontSize parameters to the radar and polar class. o Fixed a bug with the axis labels of the radar charts using the STAR layout. o Fixed a bug in the axis format computing. o Added the axis format option in the sandbox system. o Tuned the way the METRIC scales are displayed. o Fixed a bug with the getWidth(), getHeight().(thanks to SandmanXC) 2.0.10 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── /!\ First public release. o Fixed a bug in the normalize() function for VOID values. o Updated the example rendering frontend. o Updated the sandbox. 2.0.9 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Added the sandbox. o Added the getLegendSize() function. o Added the SCALE_MODE_ADDALL_START0 scaling method. o Fixed a bug in the normalize() function. o Fixed a bug in the computeScale() function. 2.0.8 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Corrected a bug in the drawThreshold() function. (thanks to mice32alpha) o Added rendering options to the writeBounds() function. o Enhanced the rendering of the drawRoundedFilledRectangle() function. o Added the setSerieWeight() function to the pData class. o Fixed a bug in the loadPalette() function. o Added the 9 palette files. (/palettes) o Fixed visual artifact in the drawGradientArea() function. 2.0.7 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Fixed a cosmetic issue in the stacked area chart function. o Bar chart with 0 values now appears as a 0 line. o Zero values are not rendered anymore in stacked bar charts. o Added the possibility to rotate X axis labels. (LabelRotation) o Added rendering parameters for skipped X axis values : $SkippedAxisTicks $SkippedAxisR $SkippedAxisG $SkippedAxisB $SkippedAxisAlpha $SkippedTickR $SkippedTickG $SkippedTickB $SkippedTickAlpha $SkippedInnerTickWidth $SkippedOuterTickWidth o Added the ability to draw a background box around text (flat, rounded) o Added the importFromCSV() method to the pData class. o Fixed a bug in the min/max computing of the data series with VOID values. 2.0.6 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Added setSliceColor() function to the pPie class. o Added support for stacked area charts. o Fixed an issue with 3D pie chart labelling. o Fixed artifacts issues with the 3D pie hidden faces. o Fixed a bug in the drawPolygon() function. o Fixed a bug with automatic abscissa labelling. o Rewritten the delayedLoaded script. (advice of mathbr for compatibility) 2.0.5 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Added support for 3D pie charts. o Enhanced the example rendering. (web) o Added functionalities on radar charts (proposed by dani Huber) - SkipLabels to skip any number of labels. - LabelMiddle to center the labels between the slices. o Fixed a bug with the palette management. o Fixed an issue while displaying multiple-line legends. o Added the delayed loader script in the examples. 2.0.4 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Fixed issue with really small data series. (one value) o Enhanced the example rendering. (batch + web) o Added the autoOutput() rendering method. o Made various minor fixes. 2.0.3 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Added the autoOutput() function that determine if the picture should be rendered with the Render() or Stroke() function based on the way the script is called. (CLI or HTTPD) o Added the getSum() function to the pData class. o Added support for 2D pie charts : - draw2DPie() - drawPieLegend() o Fixed angle issue in the drawArrowLabel function. o While turning AA off, dashed line were not rendered (thanks to mice32alpha) 2.0.2 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Fixing some notifications messages with the PHP5.3.x deprecated functions : - split has been replaced by preg_split. - ereg has been replaced by preg_match. o Removed deprecated test with the in_array() function. 2.0.1 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o First public early adopter release. 2.0.0 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── o Initial release of the v2.0.0 trunk. All primitive functions and some of the charting functions have been created.