2015-03-30 23:45:30 -04:00
include "db_config.php";
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $db);
$unit = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['unit']);
$start_date_time = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['start_date_time']);
2015-04-05 23:01:56 -04:00
$description = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['description']);
2015-03-30 23:45:30 -04:00
$is_ongoing = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['is_ongoing']);
$end_date_time = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['end_date_time']);
$alert = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['alert']);
$user = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['user']);
2015-04-05 23:01:56 -04:00
$description_for_email = nl2br($_POST['description']);
2015-03-30 23:45:30 -04:00
//Insert event to events table
$event = "INSERT INTO events (unit_id, date_time_start, description, is_ongoing, date_time_end, alert_id, user) VALUES ('$unit','$start_date_time', '$description', '$is_ongoing', '$end_date_time', '$alert', '$user')";
2015-04-05 17:56:56 -04:00
//MySQL queries to get Unit Name and Alert Name for the Email
$unitname_query = "SELECT unit_name FROM units WHERE unit_id=".$_POST['unit']."";
$unitname_query_run = mysqli_query($conn, $unitname_query);
$unitname_array = mysqli_fetch_assoc($unitname_query_run);
$unitname = $unitname_array['unit_name'];
$alertname_query = "SELECT alert_name FROM alerts WHERE alert_id=".$_POST['alert']."";
$alertname_query_run = mysqli_query($conn, $alertname_query);
$alertname_array = mysqli_fetch_assoc($alertname_query_run);
$alertname = $alertname_array['alert_name'];
//If successful, redirect back to index.php and send email, else tell user that it failed.
2015-03-30 23:45:30 -04:00
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $event);
2015-04-05 17:56:56 -04:00
echo("Event added, redirecting...");
sleep (2);
header('Location: ../index.php');
//Get inserted Event ID
$event_id = $conn->insert_id;
//Set Email Info
$subject = "New BMS Alert: ".$unitname." ".$alertname."";
2015-04-05 23:01:56 -04:00
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: FROM-EMAIL@DOMAIN.COM";
$message = "
BMS Unit: ".$unitname."
<br />
Type of Alert: ".$alertname."
<br />
Start Date / Time: ".$start_date_time."
<br />
End Date / Time: ".$end_date_time."
<br />
Description: ".$description_for_email."
<br />
Created by: ".$user."
<br />
Event Link: https://DOMAIN.COM/bms/viewevent.php?eventid=$event_id
<br /><br />
This message generated by https://DOMAIN.COM/bms
2015-04-05 17:56:56 -04:00
//WordWrap the message
$message_wrapped = wordwrap($message, 70, "\n", true);
//Send the email
2015-03-30 23:45:30 -04:00
} else{
2015-04-05 17:56:56 -04:00
echo('Error! Please <a href="javascript:history.back()">go back</a> and try again');
2015-03-30 23:45:30 -04:00
2015-04-05 17:56:56 -04:00
2015-03-30 23:45:30 -04:00